Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pranchiyettan & the Saint

I have been a little disillusioned with movies in the recent times. Nothing worthwhile to watch... I mean every time I switch on the TV, I can just somehow manage to watch a record breaking ten minutes of “Chennai Express” before I switch the channel and that is the biggest hit of the year. And so while I have all the time in the world yet no will to watch any movie.

So after long I picked up this Mammootty movie and I must say it was an excellent movie to watch. There is no one like Ranjith to take the simplest of tales (he does that to complex ones as well ;)) and transform them into a story which tugs all you the strings of your heart, Nandanam being a classic example.

But not to divert - Pranchiyettan & the Saint is a beautiful tale of an uneducated, highly successful businessman with a golden heart. His only wish is that people should look at him with the same respect as they would give to an educated person. Even though he donates to all kinds of causes, he never gets the social status he so desires. He tries all tactics from running for presidency of a local club to donating to political parties and temple festivals but most outrageous of all, tries to buy Padma Sri for himself as he is conned into thinking, it is up for sale - all with hilarious outcomes.

Then enter Padmashri (Priyamani) and a boy who is failing in exams and with a tragic life and everything changes.

While the story might seem ordinary, what makes this story extraordinary is superlative acting of Mammootty and beautiful direction by Ranjith.

The movie has its comic moments and is very light hearted but still keeps you glued to the screen. I personally don’t think great stories or movies have to be necessarily complex tales with tragedy and complex emotions. Some of the best movies are simplest characters played honestly and the most mundane of tales told well.

Mammotty is par excellence and great storytelling by Ranjith.

Do Watch.

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